Friday, March 21, 2014

Hip replacement

I had a hip replacement six years ago at the young age of 56.  Now, my husband's is sheduled for May 5th.  At his dr. appt. yesterday, my surgeon mentioned me and the fact that my hip may not last for 20 years.  I had necrosis; he has arthritis.  I'll log the saga as it evolves.  I've had trouble off and on with muscle soreness and sciatica.  Overall, my not so new hip has given me the quality of life I seem to always take for granted.

Exercises for injuries

Went to the gym for the first time since fracture. Walked and did PT arm exercises as well as strength training for the legs.  If anyone is interested in some exercises for injuries, let me know.  I'm trying to look forward although it's tough that I have at least six more weeks to go before I can emply resistance and weight strenthening on the right arm. 
Breast MRI needs to be rescheduled.  Way to prolong the anxiety and agony.  Donna and Bob over for dinner tonight.  Resolution to keep up good friend relationships and so far on track.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

humerus fracture

Two and a half months ago, I fell down two steps and fratured my upper right humerus. Elected to have a closed reduction surgery and went to work two weeks later.  I am still healing and restricted from resistance and weight training.  At times, the pain is annoying and at times, hardly there.  Hopeful I'll heal soon and wonder if I will every heal completely.  I rarely skip my physical therapy regime I've been doing at home.  Will make another official therapy visit next week to dertermine exercises to add. 
Over a year.  Friday the next breast MRI.  The creepy anxiety surfaces again.  Another friend becomes a member of the club I wished she didn't have to join.  What's to gain?  Coping skills?  Strength from experience?  Just another day.